Pixie: A message to fellow students

Whether you call them exams, tests or finals, this time of year is a major struggle for all students.

You feel like you’re doing the 400m and have been steadily going round the track trying your best, with a few hurdles along the way, and now you’re on the last straight and it’s all just starting to get a bit too much and you’ve ran out of energy to reach the finish line. At least, that’s how I’m feeling at the moment. The best thing to do when you reach that point where you feel like you have come so far but really doubting whether you can make it, is to focus on what you want to achieve and how disappointed you will be if you don’t reach it. It’s the hardest time of year, but the reward is so great when you have the freedom of summer, something to cherish before you face the real working world!

A huge good luck to everyone out there, hopefully together we can plough through and achieve our goals!!

Pixie x

Pixie: Which Game of Thrones character are your housemates?

Believe it or not, there are strong comparisons between the characters in Game of Thrones and the people that you live with. Minus the dragons, direwolves, white walkers etc, the show actually mirrors a lot of real life and the people we will meet along the way.

Samwell Tarly- The ultimate friend. This housemate is at your right hand and will stand up for you and support you when others may not. Beyond their unending kindness, they are brilliant and intelligent. This is the person you can rely on to give you words of wisdom, based on just something they have read, and speak a lot of sense. Do not underrate them or take this person for granted, because before you know it they’ve killed a white walker and are talk of the Night’s Watch!

Cersei Lannister- That one who absolutely loves drama and stirring gossip. If there’s anything worthy of note, she knows about it. This person enjoys being the one in control and is not afraid to manipulate people to get what she wants and make sure her voice is heard, even if she is not even Queen of Westeros. She is often seen grasping a glass of red wine and judging people with a raised eyebrow. Though, behind the somewhat malicious plotting this person can occasionally show a fragile side. She has suffered hardship and tries her best to remain strong despite it, although perhaps showing an incestuous streak is not the best way to do this.

Daenerys Targaryen- She can survive in desert wasteland and sit through fire yet still looking radiant and beautiful. This is the real-life equivalent of that housemate looking fresh the morning after a messy night out or an overnight library session, much to your jealous annoyance. Perhaps due to this undeniable beauty, she has men at her command, she is self-confident and knows what she wants. She values loyalty highly and if this trust is broken she will happily exile you… or more realistically tell you where you can go.

Reek (Theon Greyjoy)- The housemate that is a major pushover. Okay, perhaps they have not undergone torture and had their private parts chopped off, but nonetheless if you were to ask them to do something you know they would.

Tyrion Lannister- The person that is up for a good time, all the time! As long as there is wine and a crowd of people (preferably topless) they are there. To them, the best way to get over a stressful situation, such as a future execution, is to arrive fashionably drunk. To say the least, they take break-ups rather bitterly yet they are resilient and are happy to move on to better things. Their charm undoubtedly helps this person get out of sticky situations and at the end of the day, they will try to do what they believe is morally correct.

So, which character are your housemates? Or which one do you think you are most like?

Hope you enjoyed reading,

Pixie x

Pixie: Ultimate tips for your University Ball


No matter what course or level of study, the end of year ball is a stand-out event of everyone’s time at university. It’s effectively your Uni-Cinderella moment where you have an opportunity to transform from that hungover girl rocking up to a 9am in last night’s make-up into an elegant and glamorous red-carpet beauty. However, it is important to note the distinction between your secondary school prom and your university ball.

Tip #1 Do not overdo the prinks

Just like prom, it is likely a friend will offer their abode for photos and celebratory drinks before the event. The difference for your university ball is that you will probably be planning to go to a club afterwards, so there is the temptation to pre-drink to avoid bar prices. You need to be careful of stepping over that boundary from a classy glass of champagne into a trashy mixer, especially as there is usually wine provided at your ball. Don’t be that person that everyone remembers as the ‘really drunk one’ striking embarrassing poses and photo-bombing strangers on your course, as funny as you find it at the time it will most likely lose its appeal the following morning.

Tip #2 Stay away from the poufy diamante studded dresses

University balls are far more laid-back than prom. There isn’t a facebook group for posting your dress so nobody else buys it and there is no need to organise fancy transportation; it is a lot more relaxed. You’ll find that most people wear plain long dresses, perhaps with a cheeky side slit, but nothing marshmallow-like and not ridiculously glitzy. As mentioned, most people go out after, so girls wear dresses they wouldn’t throw a fit at if a bit of drink was spilt.

Tip #3 Sisters before misters
Similarly, university balls are relaxed in the way there is no pressure to have a date. Most people will go with their group of friends, it is rare for even an established couple to arrive together, therefore there is no reason to worry about it. The seating plan for the meal is arranged in advance as well so you can sit with whoever you want and won’t be confronted with a sudden panic that you’ll be forced to sit with strangers.

Tip #4 Remember your serviette

University balls usually include a three course dinner so please remember to cover your dress whilst eating. After going to so much effort getting ready you really do not want to spoil your outfit with a bright red tomato soup stain splodged in a suspicious area. Use your serviette!

Tip #5 Enjoy your night

Your course society will have put in a lot of time and effort into organising your end of year ball and will ensure there are lots of fun things planned. Photo booths with props are now popular so make sure you make the most of it and get some great snaps with your friends that you can treasure forever. Some events may be themed which is a fun added bonus, this year societies seem to be favouring ‘masquerade’ and ‘Great Gatsby’ so make sure you are prepared. Fire-breathers, gymnasts, magicians, bands and dancers are all forms of entertainment seen in the past, the end of year ball is an event not to be missed!

Hopefully these tips have helped you gain more of an idea on what to expect for the end of year ball. Societies should have posted their save-the-date via facebook or email so it is officially time to start budgeting for your ticket and begin the dress search … and you shall go to the ball!

Pixie: Welcome 2015

Happy New Year!

Apologies for my recent absence, haven’t posted in a while, the Christmas period has been somewhat of a blur… a hectic, stressful blur! However, I am planning to begin 2015 in a more optimistic way and be positive about what is to come. I am really focussed on my education even more so this year than ever before. I have worked out I am exactly half way through my degree and I am really determined to do well. Not necessarily new years resolutions, but my personal goals for 2015 are:

– To achieve a First this year at Uni

– Get an internship either over Summer or for next year

– Write more blog posts and make more connections with bloggers across the world

– Generally be healthier/ tone my stomach… crunches crunches crunches

– Visit my grandparents more

– Complete my holiday scrapbook

– Keep working on my children’s book

(Also, if you are a student like me and are in search of a motivational kick to do some revision/work, here’s a playlist I made which is good to have in the background! http://8tracks.com/alexwallin/let-your-study-juices-flow)

Wishing you a joyous and prosperous 2015!

Pixie x

Pixie: Not your typical fresher

If one were to stereotype the term ‘fresher’ I think most people would say binge-drinking, lazy, drug-taking and potentially (let’s think of a polite way of saying this hmm) erotically obsessed teenagers. Now, that isn’t to say that I fully agree with the stereotype, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t come into contact with people who are like this. One part of me thinks ‘be spontaneous, just go with it and enjoy life, carpe diem’ yahda yahda yahda… But luckily for my long-term health, and I suppose self-respect, the sensible part of me takes over and I have managed to resist these typical fresher customs. And if I’m honest, it really doesn’t bother me if people judge me for it and I do not feel like I have had any less fun than those who took the other option.

In fact, I am proud to say that I have never tried a cigarette, drugs or a one night stand. However, when living in halls of residence as I did for the year, it is inevitable to experience those around you taking part in these kinds of activities. I understand each individual makes their own decisions whether they take part or not; and that’s completely fine. But luckily for me as an onlooker I have had the smug pleasure of being entertained by other people’s adventures, misfortunes and obscenities with the advantage of being able to remember it the next day hangover free, so for me it’s been pretty darn hilarious!

One of the best things about going to university, for me, was getting to know so many different people from different places and backgrounds. This year I have met people from Australia, Romania, Dubai, Malaysia and China, as well as various cities in the UK. I’ve met people who have never seen a rainbow or snow fall from the sky or known it to rain for a solid week (classic England eh!); and it is so interesting to interact with people your own age who have been brought up in a completely different culture. Though, for me the best thing was hearing all the different accents. It is fair to say that I’m an absolute world-class talent at accents and they should probably make a new Oscar category just for me so I can win and perform in front of millions to help out the other less gifted actors… KIDDING! Honestly, I am the worst person at accents you have ever heard, my Welsh sounds Indian, and my Australian sounds… well doesn’t really sound like anything it’s that shocking. Nonetheless, I like to persevere and keep trying and I have loved hearing many accents from my fellow students around campus. Much to my accent appreciation, I had a prime location where my room was in halls as it was close to the taxi rank, so when people ran around drunkenly ready for a night out I heard Geordie screams like ‘eeeh man, ahm gannin te Corp man’ (Corp is a nightclub in Sheffield which is so grim it deserves its own post) which would probably annoy the hell out of most people but I adored it!

So hopefully I have let you into a bit more about me including my opinions and (a bit strange) habits and interests. Even though I have only been at university for a year so far, it has been a great experience and has definitely made me realise that the world is filled with wonderfully eccentric people, and I love that!